AKWF FREE (waveform samples)

All in one pack!

You probably want to download one of the all in one pack. It contains all the single cycle wave forms. The wave format work with many samplers and synths and there are some packages containing samples formatted for ones that need a different format. I choose to sample thes waveforms at D2+2 which equals 600 samples. The biggest reason for that was because I was using Fibonacci sequences to build sounds. As the synths, samplers and computers got better at handling single cycle wave forms it made less sense but I kept the standard of 600 samples anyway.

These waveforms took a great amount of time to sample and I would like to continue this and similar projects, if you want to make that easier for me please please consider to make a small donation.

To the extent possible under law, Kristoffer Ekstrand has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to AKWF Waveforms. This work is published from: Sweden.

AKWF FREE on github

You find the repository for AKWF FREE on github. You are also welcome to contribute to the repository.

Wave format (all in one)

This is the original pack and consists of samples that are 600 samples long. This means that the pitch (D2+2) is a bit weird if your sampler / synthesizer isn’t treating the samples a Single Cycle Wave Form.

(samples are suitable for many synthesizers and samplers such as Native Instrument Reaktor, Mutable Instruments Shruti, Image lines Sytrus, Image Line Monomachine, Animoog, Big Tick Rhino, U-he Zebra, Camel Audio Alchemy, Image Line Harmor, Image Line Harmless, Image Line 3xOsc, Elektron Octatrack, Ableton Sampler, Blip Interactive Nanostudio, Single Cell Software Caustic, LittleGPTracker etc.

Formatted for Corona and Discovery Pro thanks to discoDSP / George.

Formatted for Music Line Editor (Amiga) thanks to ADRDesign / Alvaro.

Formatted for Pro Tracker (ST-Clones) thanks to ADRDesign / Alvaro.

Formatted for Camel Audio Alchemy (all in one)

Formatted for U-he Zebra (all in one) (Thanks Piet Wagner)

Formatted as WT wave tables for Harmor and Komplexer (all in one) (Thanks Piet Wagner)

Formatted for Big Tick Rhino (all in one) (Thanks Tick)

Formatted for MonoMachine (all in one) (Thanks Tyrone)

Formatted for Native Instruments Reaktor (all in one) (Thanks to MaZe 6000)

Graphic plotters of all the waveforms

A visual guide to the waveforms (Thanks to Madah)


Waveform AKWF_0085 is used in this video demonstrating the Octatrack.

Tutorial on using the AKWFs with MusicLine Editor.

You can also download individual folders from the AKWF pack.

That’s all, happy sound designing!

140 responses

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325
    Ryo says:

    Hello, successfully loaded on disting mk4, many thanks for this free package. What do you mean by sampling at d2+2 for 600 samples ? thank you

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325
    Mire says:

    Thank you for this hard work!
    I formated your waveforms for ZamplerRx if you are interested here is the link

    every folder contains .sfz file for all individual waveforms and .fxb file to load them all together.
    Since limit of zampler patches is 128 some folders (for example AKWF_stereo) have two .fxb files:
    AKWF_stereo_1-128.fxb and AKWF_stereo_129-200.fxb

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Hi Mire I will take a look and probably add it to the downloads and the git repository. Thansk! Take care /Kiddo

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    You can never have too many waveforms! Much appreciated.

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    stein ellingsen says:

    How do I use it in disting ex?

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    tom austin says:

    Do you know what format Assimila8or needs? When I load your 600 sample files I get a message Bad WAV header

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    Plane says:

    I converted these to Renoise instruments, tuned to A=440 here:


    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Awesome I’ll take a look at it!

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    Goran | gyrocog | Hypnagogia says:


    First of all, great work!

    I’ve converted these for DUNE 3 wavetables, but can’t seem to add them on GitHub (I am a total noob).

    I tried with GitHub desktop app, and it says I don’t have write access to the repository.

    Do you still accept contributions, and if so, could you please tell me how to go about doing it?


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    Andre says:

    Hi there,

    How do I use these samples, is there a vst or plug-in I can use with them on my OS X, any chance you know?

    Have been reading about waveshaping and made my way here.


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    Daniele says:

    Hey there!

    Thanks for the awesome work. I made a well deserved donation…
    I was browsing the graphs and I think I’ve found a bug in the images:

    The “AKWF_stereo” page has only 3 graphs and then broken file names.

    Greetings from Italy!

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    Tim says:

    These are amazing, thank you, is there a resource anywhere for how to load these in bulk onto an Electribe 2 Sampler? I’m a bit new to this game and all the links I can google are coming up dead.

    Again thanks so much for all your hard work.

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      Glad you like em, hope you get some use out of them. I haven’t got an Electribe but I am sure there are some info some where on the internets. Can’t help you straight of the bat but if you don’t figure it out contact me!

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    Andrey says:

    Thank you a ton! What a sweet sample pack.

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Thanks! Put them to good use!

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    CRuM says:

    Hi AK

    I got here via youtube loopop channel referring to you for wav forms for synthstrom deluge. I’m pretty new to synth tech etc. Is there a download format you provide above that would better than the all-in-one wav above?

    Thanks for your input and especially for provide the wavs.


    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Hi CRuM!

      Short answer: use the all in one pack!

      I haven’t had the pleasure to work with a deluge but I think the ‘normal’ one “all in one” works as good as the others. The biggest difference is that the ones I did are 600 samples long and most other synths like 256, 512 or 1024 samples long wave forms. The ‘original’ is the best to use as the conversions might affect the sound. You have to transpose / tune the samples and turn down the volume as they peak at 0db they distort on the deluge.

      Instructions for use with Deluge (thanks to Icoustik):

      1. Set one or both oscillators to “sample”
      2. Select any of the waveforms as the sample
      3. Set the sample mode to “Loop”
      4. Transpose the oscillator down 2 semitones and 2 cents, or up 10 semitones
      5. Turn the volume of the oscillator down to about 25 as these waveforms tend to overdrive the amp. This is especially true if they’re used polyphonically.

      Have fun!

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    Austin says:

    Absolutely awesome work man, thank you for sharing! I have used these off and on for some synth jamming for a few years now.

    I did have one question though, how did you incorporate Fibonacci numbers in your synthesis for these samples? Is this something that you would be open to elaborating on? I’ve been fascinated by geometry, proportions, and real numerology in my work for years so I would love to hear some of your methods!

    Thanks. 🙂

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Hi Austin!

      Just by making a one cycle waveform of anything, it will be full of Fibonacci numbers if you look at the waveform frequency by frequency.

      When I did these I used 600 samples, cause I built my own little synth that can load them in and I did most calculations on samples 600 was really easy. Now I would have probably used 1024 samples but at the time 600 seemed really easy for me to do maths on…

      So my waveform are 600 samples so the math is pretty simple:

      1 cycle – 600 samples long
      2 cycles – 300 samples long (octave)
      3 cycles – 200 samples long
      5 cycles – 120 samples long
      8 cycles – 75 samples long (octave)
      13 – 46,15384615384615 long
      21 – 46,15384615384615 samples long
      etc… (but at a certain point higher frequencies do not sound very musical)

      The synthesizer could “bake” wave forms and then play them at these intervals based on the Fibonacci numbers. So I could make code my basic math and then let the overtones be wave forms already containing wave forms that also consists of a bunch of tones which also display the Fibonacci sequence. Today many synths can do this out of the box but back in the day they could not…

      If you analyse any sound you will see the Fibonacci numbers. Dissonant sounds either changes fast or is actually two sound sources. Musical tones in most cases are not dissonant if you do not count noises as the hammers on a piano might be dissonant to the note you play… I used Fibonacci to be able to make waveform. But if you just cut a sound by a single wave forms and then analyse it the Fibonacci sequence will appear.

      So that I used Fibonacci to create wave forms is true but it would have been impossible to not make them appear (when you analyse the single wave form and look at all the pure sinus tones it is made up by).

      I hope I make a little bit sense… Cool you are using them!


  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

    this is incredible. good antidote against gear acquiring syndrome. I’ll spread them across my digital sample playback gear. thank you

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Cool! Very pleased you get some use out of them!

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    run_esc says:

    These are also fantastic in Renoise and Redux. Fun for days. Thanks, from Canada!

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Cool! Send me a link if you’ve done something with them! Love from Sweden! 🙂

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    Marty Murphy says:

    Hi. will these waveforms work with korg electribe sx-1 .thank you.

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    steve says:

    You should have a cryptocurrency address for tipping.
    DOGE is the typical (and funnest) tipping currency, but others work.

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      Haha I love Doge so I might do that 🙂

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    Thanks a lott for sharing this with all peoplle you actually recognise what yo

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    Charles Teperant says:

    How can I load these into my iPad Pro? (I don’t own any other actual computer

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    Colin says:

    Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into the wavetables you kindly provide free. They are my first introduction to wavetables and i did not know where to start until i found yours. I have have just donated $20 as i feel you deserve it.

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    Robin Abresch (Robiaster) says:

    Hi, my name is Robin Abresch.

    Have been making music for about 4 years now in my trusty DAW.
    I believe in the resources one uses to be made accessible,
    which is why i am delighted to see that you have put some of you effort under a public domain and as donation ware.

    Just wanted to thank you in that regard.
    Donated a bit too.
    Am more of the sound design guy, like fucking around with every little aspect,
    so if you ever need any help or something for a project, feel free to hit me up.
    Free of charge of course.

    Anyway, have a nice day, or evening or whatever time it is for you mate.
    With kind regards,

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    NystagmusE says:

    Thanks for your hard work on this project. Your waveforms have helped me make better music using my paid-for Image-Line Harmor, Image-Line Toxic Biohazard, and Vember Surge. They are all capable of importing waveforms to get more sounds.

    I heavily rely upon getting fresh sounds for musical inspiration and sophistication.
    Thanks for being part of the solution.

    All of my tunes are free FLAC downloads.

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    Thomas Hansen Skarbye says:


    can these waveforms be used for commercial products or be licensed?

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Hi! The AKWF Waveforms are released into the public domain so do your thing!

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        Tony says:

        Still able to use in commercial products today?

        • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

          Yes! Do your thing, it’s always nice with a shout out or cred but that’s not needed. Let me know what you make! Take care!

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    Thomas Hansen Skarbye says:


    Can these waveforms be used for commercial products?

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    Hossein says:

    Many many thanks.
    Very Useful information

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    Scott says:

    Hi Adventure Kid,
    I d/l your waveforms, many of which are included in MuLab, and think they’re fantastic. Thank you for your hard work.

    The reason for my post is to ask how to do this. I know how to edit samples down to a single cycle, what I don’t understand is the tuning of them and if I can use this method on ANY type of sound? I’m specifically trying to edit 838 patches I sampled from my old MC-909, but I find some of these are too ‘random’ to be able to use a single cycle to replicate. Can I use this method or do they need to be longer?

    I’m new to sampling, and can’t seem to find much info on this procedure so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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      Hi Scott!

      There is some software that makes it easier but for most sounds the best is to locate 8 cycles then xfade it with itself which give you 4 cycles xfade again and you get 2 cycles and xfade again to get 1 cycle.

      For some sounds that just won’t work and then some kind of spectral conversion might be needed. There is some software that can do this that only runs on PC and is inspired by the fairlight. I don’t remember the name. But for the highest quality I would use a modern day spectral synthesizer such as image line’s Harmor. You can load in a sample and set the speed of the reading head to zero. It might need you to xfade 2 cycles into one to get the best sound but it is pretty awesome if it’s a modulating sound where it is hard to find the cycles.

      There will be a different in the sound from a recording to a single cycle waveform but you should be able to get some of the same character at least.

      Happy sampling!

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    Can says:

    Hey Guys,
    quick question because Im quite confused.

    Does a pack of these Sounds exist which are tuned to C that i can play chords with? I ask because i downloaded a tuned-to-C pack and whenever I play a minor chord for example I have the impression thats not quite in tune. I use my Electribe Sampler which can tune start end and loop point for the samples. If this helps
    Thanks alot Can

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      Can says:

      “I use my Electribe Sampler which can tune by editing start end and loop point of the samples.”
      Sorry it is 2:36 Am

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        Midique says:

        Confused…start and loop point are just changing sample length, not frequency.

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    Ian Wilson (Analoguesque Sound Designs) says:

    Hi Kristoffer

    I downloaded your single-cycle waveform set and cannot wait to use it in my Studiologic Sledge 2.0 synth.

    Are the waveforms all generated at the same frequency, and if so, what is it? This would make it easier to tune :).

    The reason I was looking for single-cycle waveforms is because I had created a VB program years ago, for generating 4-Operator FM waveforms that could be used in samplers. It was relatively standard 4-Op FM synthesis, but I had added bit-depth changes, filters, special feedback algorithms … etc, which allowed me to produce a huge sonic palette of sounds. Once I had a sound I liked, the software would generate it at 55Hz, 110Hz, 220Hz, 440Hz, and 880Hz, and with a sustained end where the waveform repeated, making it very easy to loop while keeping the attach of the sound if needed.

    Anyway, I found that I am not able to use my 880Hz waveforms in the Sledge because it requires at least a few hundred samples for the loop to work properly. My 880Hz waveforms loop at about 50 samples (a single cycle). I can’t loop at larger amounts because I had saved the original waveforms with just a little more than a single-cycle wave.

    This is the reason I went searching for a new set of waveforms and was glad to find yours. 🙂


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      Hi Ian! They are 600 samples, it’s about D2 plus two cents. And yeah i would have had a different size if I would have done it all over 😉

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    SirSickSik says:

    I’ve resampled, sample-length adjusted to 1024 samples, renamed and converted all the waveforms to be usable by the axoloti for a giant wavetable synthesiser. Could I send these to you so they can be shared for the axoloti community forum from your site?
    They’re now called W0000 to W4358, so they can be used as 4 wavetables of 999 samples each and one of 358 samples (would be nice to get that one to 999 too, if you know what I mean…).

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Cool! I’ll contact you!

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    oyaji says:

    cool stuff! and nice website
    will load into Mitosynth (iOS).
    Thanks dude!

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    esteban adame says:

    Hey man thanks f0r making this available.
    I tried t0 leave d0nati0n but it was in swedish and the site w0uld n0t let me.
    S0me thing ab0ut $5…
    email me an w0uld gladly send y0u a d0nati0n.

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    onslaught says:

    thanks for the samples

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      No probs, make something cool with them!

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    Benjamín says:

    Your waveforms are cool, it’s a very good work

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    WAYNE says:

    Hi! It says that the wt files are formatted specifically for harmor, however, how do you load them into harmor? Harmor doesnt recognise the files..

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      You can use the wave files.

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    Domenico Cipriani says:

    hellomate! nice work you do!
    I need to know one thing, which software should I use to extract a single period from a waveform to upload it on my monomachine mk2?
    please help me!

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      I used different ones but I like Edison by Image-line as it is so fast when doing these kind of small edits. The problem is that sometimes you have to blend one cycle with the cycles next to it. Edison can do that, so it’s handy. But I think most editors have similar featured. Edison comes with FL Studio and used inside it – it is very fast and easy to do these kind of edits. Good luck!

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    R7 says:


    Adventure Kid waveforms resampled to C and with octaves spread across slices so each wave file contains C0-C7. Made for Octatrack but adaptable for gear that can set start end end points of samples. Should save space and directory browsing.

    Otherwise just use the direct waveforms I posted below.

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    R7 says:

    The friendly folks at Elektronauts took this single cycle waveforms and repitched them to C so they play correct chromatically.

    Info here:

    Direct link to C tuned single cycle waveforms for each octave:

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    Datanoise says:

    Hey, this is my contribution: Resampled to 256+1 Samples as 16-Bit Signed C Header files: https://github.com/DatanoiseTV/AKWF_WaveForms

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    Great sounds !!

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    MaZe 6000 says:

    no! wait… here:


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    MaZe 6000 says:

    Thank you very much!

    I have put 3400 of your Waveforms into a Reaktor map to use them in a single Sample Looper module as a Wavetable-Osc.

    You can download it here:


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    man vegan says:

    love the scw’s. work great in the Octatrack. Keep it up

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    Marcos says:

    Your Sinus waves link does not work 🙁

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    Tor S says:

    This is great stuff, just what I’ve been looking for.
    Great work!
    Pity you don’t have a PayPal button.

    By the way, it seems like the graphic page for Stereo lacks most graphic elements:

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    ASP says:

    GREAT !!

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    Dpiximaj says:

    may your cycles add color to timbres beyond – cornball i know… – much thanks!

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    Steve Lampert says:

    Thank you so much!

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    Morpher says:

    Thanks a lot for this huge and great library.

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    Louis Adam says:

    Wow! This is great! Thank you very much 🙂

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    DmitriyK says:

    Great work. Fix the donate button please.

    BTW, http://www.adventurekid.se/AKRTfiles/AKWF/view/AKWF_stereo/waveforms.html is partially broken, no images.

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    fiszo says:

    hi, man I just wanna say that you’r donate buttons doesn’t work.

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    Tuval S says:

    Thank you very much for this amazing collection – really useful and high quality. I’ve used your wavesahpes for creating a reaktor instrument – an interesting wavetable synthesizer named “Aurora”. You can find it at the reaktor user library on the NI website(Synthesizers/Wavetable/Aurora). Your credit is there offcourse. You can also get it by contacting me.
    Thanks again!!

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    Jeff Rose says:

    Thanks a lot! These waveforms will be the basis for our wavetable support in the Overtone project.

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    I feel this is among the most significant information for me. And i am happy reading your article. However should remark on some common things, The web site taste is perfect, the articles is truly excellent : D. Excellent process, cheers

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    John D says:

    thank you so much!!

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    John Clements says:

    Permission to redistribute with credit?

    I’m hoping to redistribute your amazing incredible work as part of a sound synthesis package for the Racket language. How would you like me to credit your work?

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

      Put “Kristoffer Ekstrand / Adventure Kid” as the credit and if there is space a adventurekid.se link would be nice. I love that these gets used! Show me what you did with it! Take care!

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    Chad says:

    My previous post (Below) I downloaded each wavepack one by one and then after posting about the sinus waves (downloading problem) realized that you made a link @ the top of the page for all downloads @ once in various formats…the sinus waves were in the All in one pack! [.wav format] =Problem Solved

    🙂 thnkz again

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    Chad says:

    Sinus Waves in the Basic Waveforms Collection are missing…everything else was there 🙂

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    Tyrone says:

    Hi, thanks for posting this incredible set of waveforms! In order to make them easier to load into my Monomachine SFX-60+ I took the full sample pack and re-organized it into folders containing a maximum of 64 samples, if you were interested in hosting this formatted pack on your site I can send you an updated .zip file with the new folder structure, just flick me an email. Thanks again for posting these! cheers, Tyrone

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    scott says:

    WoW, this is terrific. I’m looking for the Korg DW 8000 waves, are any of these based on those? I think the MS2000 has them, but I’m not sure if that synth lets you load/change waves in order to extract the ones I want.

    This is a super contribution to music you have done here.
    (that was a terrible sentence. . .)

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    Olivier says:

    incredible. thank you so much, dear sir!

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    Swen says:

    I’m using your samples for pure fun on a Akai S2000.
    You made this one the “Ueber”-Synth with your samples. Congrats and very very++ thanks….

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    Spaï says:

    I will use the waveforms in several software I’m developing. (NoizeKamStudio)
    Thank you very much for this nice job.

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    cultdream says:


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    noiserat says:

    THANK YOU!!! 1000X That’s Beauty!!!

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    Django says:

    WOW! As a longtime FL Studio user migrating to Ableton Live and a Mac, I decided since all the free synths I loved are Windows only, I’d use some waveforms in Simpler until I decide which commercial synth I’ll buy. This completely exceeded my expectations!

    (of the Mac-compatible FL Studio synths, I’m leaning towards Toxic Biohazard)

    Thank you so much!

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    Flyweight says:

    Hey Advendurekid, thanks for the great sounds, you music is cool as wel.

    Adventurekid is the best game ever:)



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    Through: Thanks, I’ll change that. Have fun with the samples!

    El-tron: Have fun!

    Ray: Thanks have fun!

    Nam-ron: I have used them with a monomachine but I didn’t get them on there myself so all I know is that you can get them on it somehow.

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    trough says:

    Thank you so much, these are the best! I’ll never need any other samples now besides drums…

    By the way, on this page under “Electric Piano” it says “Waveforms sampled from cellos.” You might want to change that lol 😀

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    El-tron says:

    WOW! Thanks a mill, man! This is great stuff. Awesome work! 🙂

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    Ray says:

    As a lover of vintage 8-bit sound and chipmusic, i’ve been looking for a collection like this for a long time. Excellent collection.

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    nam-ron says:


    I have one problem, everytime when i try to upload one sample to my monomachine mk2 i get the message “error: incorrect length” ..
    i use the c6 tool. any help?

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    Hi Ronin, the library is to big for all versions but the latest version of Alchemy. It’s just a guess but you might need to update it.

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    ronin says:

    I’m having a problem when trying to insert the Alchemy flavoured ones into the waveform and lfo libraries directories – it crashes the host program completely. Have tried in Reaper and FlStudio. It seems to work if you have only one directory at a time.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Thanks for the work anyhoo!

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    Chopstickkk says:



    Wgot Madah’s waveform charts for offline browsing if anybody’s interested. Unzips nicely into sample folder allowing an image beside every waveform!

    Thanks a million for this excellent and generous resource it’s amazing!

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    No probs happy sound designing!

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    Jacek says:

    Great! Thank you!

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    Now it should work Jacek!

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    Jacek says:

    I can not download Formatted for U-he Zebra! The server requires a username and password! Please, direct link:) Regards.

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    Bratzel says:

    Hi Adventure Kid, thanks a lot for the AKWF wavetables, I use it in Zebra2.5, very nice!!!

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    Josef Horhay says:

    Hi Adventure Kind, did you know of any program that can assist in drawing/generating single waveforms on Mac Computer? A real Great collection you have here!

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    Lee says:

    Outstanding, thanks alot!

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    Joe McMahon says:

    These should work well with alphakanal’s automat plugin as well. Thanks!

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325

    It seems to work fine here… Copy this inte your webbrowsers adress field: http://www.adventurekid.se/AKRTfiles/AKWF/AKWF.zip

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    zone says:

    I can’t download the complete collection in .wav — help?

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    rhowaldt says:

    thanks for this!

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    Transit161 says:

    Very cool, thanks!

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    sesquialtera says:

    Magnificent! Thank you!

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    Eric says:

    Adding to ALEXander’s wget command, running this in a bash shell will unzip every file in a folder:

    for f in *.zip;do unzip “$f”;done

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    thanks for all the waveforms! I’ve been looking for some waveforms for the past 3 days, thank you!

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    JensNieco says:

    thx men!

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    Johnny1K says:

    Amazing work! I’ve been fooling with your collection and Ableton Simpler for an hour now and I’m very impressed.
    Thanks for sharing these!

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    joakim says:

    Stupendous collection! Thank you so very much for making me and my Evolver+Absynth+Reaktor+MicrowaveXT+all my samplers silly-happy and inspired. Amazing work, Kid! Check the credits on our upcoming album “Modern Ruin”. 🙂

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/adventurekid.se/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/_backup/ak/functions.php on line 325
    ALEXander says:

    That will make your mouse live longer. And thanks for the sounds!

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    ALEXander says:

    wget -r -A “*.zip” http://www.adventurekid.se/akrt/waveforms/adventure-kid-waveforms/index.php

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    BeatMakerTV says:

    Thanks! Good Stuff

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    Dirk says:

    Thank you very much for your great work.

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    Markus says:

    will try this out!!!

    def. a big thx to the publisher 🙂

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    dave c says:

    Thanks very much!

    FYI one seems to 404


    Thanks in any case!

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    btw, the track in the sidebar is very cool. :]

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    great sutff, thanks for shating these!

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